The ATLAS experiment

ATLAS is the largest of the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. The main difference between ATLAS and all other particle physics experiments is the huge superconducting aircore toroids which are used in the muon spectrometer. The muon spectrometer is equipped with Monitored Drift Tubes (MDT) except at very high rapidity where Cathode Strip Chambers (CSC) are used. Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) in the barrel and Thin Gap Chambers (TGC) in the endcaps provide the muon trigger. An essential part of the muon spectrometer is the various shielding parts which are needed to reduce the background rate in the muon spectrometer to a manageable level.

The inner detector tracker has several layers of semiconductor strip and pixel detectors closest to the interaction point. Outside of these detectors is the Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) which consists of straw drift tubes interleaved with transition radiators. The inner detector is surrounded by a superconducting solenoid which provides an axial field in the detector.

The electromagnetic calorimeter is a lead/liquid argon sampling calorimeter. The barrel hadronic tile calorimeter is an iron/scintillator calorimeter while the endcap hadronic calorimeter is of copper/liquid argon type. The electromagnetic and barrel endcap calorimeters have the same cryostat. Neutron shielding, is attached to the front face of this cryostat and protects the inner detector from neutron back-splash.

The LUCID detector is a Cherenkov detector that surrounds the beampipe at both sides of the interaction points at a distance of 17 m from the IP. It is used to measure the relative luminosity and to do diffractive physics. The ALFA detector consists of eight scintillator fibre detectors placed in Roman Pots close to the LHC proton beams at a distance of 240 m from the IP. This detector will be used to measure the absolute luminosity and to calibrate the luminosity monitors in ATLAS.


The Pixel Detector

The Semi Conductor Tracker

The Transition Radiation Tracker



The Barrel electromagnetic calorimeter

The Scintillator Tile Calorimeter

The Barrel Calorimeter

The Endcap Calorimeter

The Forward Calorimeter





Resistive Plate Chambers

Monitored Drift Tubes

Thin Gap Chambers

Cathode Strip Chambers

The Small Muon Wheel



The Zero Degree Calorimeter

The Minimum Bias Trigger Scintillators

The Beam Condition Monitors

The LUCID detector


Selected Papers

List of all ATLAS publications with full author list

"Luminosity measurements at ATLAS: Development, Construction and Testing of Scintillating Fibre Prototype detectors."
S.Ask et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 568 (2006) 588. (file in pdf-format)

"Hadron beamtest of a scintillating fibre tracker system for elastic scattering and luminosity measurements in ATLAS."
F. Anghinolfi et al., JINST 2: P07004,2007. (file in pdf-format)

"Development of a detector (ALFA) to measure the absolute LHC luminosity at ATLAS."
A. Mapelli et al., Proc. 10th ICATPP Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics, Detectors and Medical Physics Applications, Como, Italy, 8 - 12 Oct 2007. (file in pdf-format)

"Predicting induced radioactivity in a large high-energy physics apparatus: The example of the ATLAS experiment."
V. Hedberg, M. Magistris, M.N. Morev, M. Silari and Z. Zajacova, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 592 (2008) 230-246. (file in pdf-format)

"The ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider."
G. Aad et al., JINST 3: S08003,2008. (file in pdf-format)

"Expected performance of the ATLAS experiment - Detector, Trigger and Physics."
G. Aad et al., CERN-OPEN-2008-020. (file in pdf-format)

"Charged-particle multiplicities in pp interactions at sqrt(s) = 900 GeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC."
G. Aad et al., Phys.Lett.B688:21-42,2010. (file in pdf-format)

"Performance of the ATLAS Detector using First Collision Data."
G. Aad et al.,J. High Energy Phys. 09 (2010) 056, (file in pdf-format)

"Luminosity Determination in pp Collisions at sv = 7 TeV using the ATLAS Detector at the LHC."
G. Aad et al., Eur. Phys. J. C 71 (2011) 1630, (file in pdf-format)

ATLAS notes

"Radiation in the USA15 cavern in ATLAS."
I. Dawson and V. Hedberg, ATLAS note ATL-TECH-2004-001 (Document in pdf)

"Radiation and induced activation at high luminosity."
V. Hedberg and M. Shupe, ATLAS note ATL-TECH-2004-002 (Document in pdf)

"Estimation of Radiation Background, Impact on Detectors, Activation and Shielding Optimization in ATLAS"
S. Baranov et al., ATLAS note ATL-GEN-2005-001 (Document in pdf)

"Outline of R&D activities for ATLAS at an upgraded LHC"
G. Darbo et al., ATLAS note ATL-COM-GEN-2005-002 (Document in pdf)

"Triggering on Long-Lived Neutral Particles in the ATLAS Detector."
G. Aad et al., ATL-PHYS-PUB-2009-082, (file in pdf-format)

"Effects of stray magnetic fields on the LUCID detector."
M. Bruschi et al., ATL-LUM-INT-2010-002, (file in pdf-format)

"Simulation of ATLAS Luminosity Monitoring with LUCID."
S. Brizzi et al., ATL-LUM-INT-2010-005, (file in pdf-format)

"Performance of the Minimum Bias Trigger in p-p Collisions at Sqrt(s) = 900 GeV."
W. Bell et al., ATL-COM-DAQ-2010-017, (file in pdf-format)

"Luminosity determination during the 2009 run using the LUCID detector."
B. Giacobbe et al., ATL-COM-LUM-2010-014, (file in pdf-format)

"Luminosity Determination Using the ATLAS Detector."
M. Shapiro et al., ATL-COM-LUM-2010-020, (file in pdf-format)

"Calibrating the ATLAS luminosity detectors using beam separation scans."
M. Bruschi et al., ATL-COM-LUM-2010-021, (file in pdf-format)

Radioprotection Notes

"Effective dose to members of the public from an accidental release of the liquid argon from the ATLAS Calorimeter."
V. Hedberg et al., CERN-SC-2005-057-RP-TN, EDMS no. 608743. (Document page)

"Effective dose to members of the public from an accidental release of the Am-241 and Bi-207 sources of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter."
V. Hedberg et al., CERN-SC-2005-074-RP-TN, EDMS no. 640314. (Document page)

"The release of radioactive isotopes in the event of a catastrophic leak from the liquid argon calorimeters in ATLAS."
V. Hedberg, CERN-SC-2005-080-RP-TN, EDMS no. 656509. (Document page)

"Radiological considerations for the release of argon from the ATLAS LAr Calorimeter."
V. Hedberg et al., CERN-SC-2005-107-RP-TN, EDMS no. 700949. (Document page)

"Radioactive waste study of the ATLAS detector."
V. Hedberg et al., CERN-SC-2005-141-RP-TN, EDMS no. 735697. (Document page)

"The comparison of the predicted activities of P-32 and P-33 in the liquid argon of the ATLAS End Cap Calorimeter calculated with two different cross-section sets."
V. Hedberg et al., CERN-SC-2006-010-RP-TN, EDMS no. 751498. (Document page)

"Activation and radiological impact of air in the ATLAS cavern."
V. Hedberg, M. Silari and Z. Zajacova, CERN-SC-2008-062-RP-TN, EDMS no. 934041. (Document page)

"Activation of liquid argon in the ATLAS calorimeter by high energy hadrons."
V. Hedberg, M.N. Morev, M. Silari and Z. Zajacova, Nucl. Technol.: 173 (2011), no. 3, pp. 327-331, Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Radiation Shielding, Pine Mountain, USA, April 2008. (file in word-format)

Technical ATLAS Notes on EDMS

"Final Design Review of the ATLAS Shielding Disk (JD) "
V. Hedberg, I. Hooton and B. Szeless, ATC-RJ-ET-0003, EDMS no. 331102, (Document page)

"Technical Specification for the Procurement and Steel Cladding for the JF Shielding of the ATLAS Detector"
V. Hedberg and I. Hooton, ATL-JF-ES-0004, EDMS no. 352490, (Document page)

"Technical specifications for the procurement of borated polyethylene sheets for the JTV shielding of the ATLAS detector."
V. Hedberg, ATL-JT-ES-0003, EDMS no. 383079, (Document page)

"Technical specifications for the machining of the borated polyethylene sheets for the JTV shielding of the ATLAS detector
V. Hedberg, ATL-JT-ES-0004 , EDMS no. 383081, (Document page)

"Technical specifications for the procurement of the borated polyethylen bricks for the JF shielding of the ATLAS detector"
V. Hedberg, ATL-JF-ES-0008, EDMS no. 383083, (Document page)

"Fire prevension measures in the construction of the shielding of ATLAS"
V. Hedberg, ATL-JF-EN-0005 , EDMS no. 413694, (Document page)

"The polyethylene shielding in JM, JD and JTT"
V. Hedberg, ATL-J-EN-0006, EDMS no. 474099, (Document page)

"Tests of paints used for fire protection"
V. Hedberg, ATL-J-EN-0007 , EDMS no. 477960, (Document page)

"Technical specification of the borated polyethylene pieces for the JTT shielding of the ATLAS detector"
V. Hedberg, ATL-JT-ES-0007 , EDMS no. 544224, (Document page)

"Technical Specification of the ATLAS JD Shielding Rotation Supports "
V. Hedberg, ATL-JD-ES-0016 , EDMS no. 602437, (Document page)

"Specification and schedule of the transport and the storage locations of the ATLAS Forward Shielding"
V. Hedberg, ATL-JF-ES-0013 , EDMS no. 607450, (Document page)

"Technical specification of the cast (ductile) iron parts for the toroid shielding of the ATLAS detector"
V. Hedberg, ATL-JT-ES-0008, EDMS no. 637138, (Document page)

"Change of the material in the JTT shielding from brass to ductile iron"
V. Hedberg, ATL-JT-EC-0001, EDMS no. 638637, (Document page)

"Induced radioactivity around the beampipe in the ATLAS experiment."
V. Hedberg, ATC-TY-EY-0060, EDMS no. 736314, (Document page)

"Induced radioactivity around the ATLAS experiement - an update."
V. Hedberg, ATC-TY-EY-0061, EDMS no. 736317, (Document page)

"Access to ATLAS."
V. Hedberg, ATC-TY-EY-0063, EDMS no. 736334, (Document page)

"The procedure for the first rotation of the JD disk shielding "
V. Hedberg, ATL-JD-ES-0017, EDMS no. 743896, (Document page)

"The radiation background without the forward shielding"
V. Hedberg and M. Shupe, ATC-TR-ER-0003, EDMS no. 812419, (Document page)

"Assembly of the JD lifting frame"
V. Hedberg, ATL-JD-AP-0002, EDMS no. 830022, (Document page)

"The installation of the JD/SW assembly"
V. Hedberg, ATL-JD-IP-0001, EDMS no. 837665, (Document page)

"Radiological Control of Material from the ATLAS Experimental Cavern."
O. Beltramello, V. Hedberg and G. Mornacchi, ATC-TY-EY-0086, EDMS no. 867882. (Document page)

"Activation Study of the ATLAS Liquid Argon End-Cap Calorimeter."
M. Morev, V. Hedberg, A. Falou, C. Fabre, ATL-AE-ER-0007, EDMS no. 871409, (Document page)

"Opening of the Small Wheel on the JD tube"
V. Hedberg, ATL-JD-AP-0003, EDMS no. 874816, (Document page)

"Dimensions control and Machining control reports and NDT reports (JD/SW lifting beam)"
V. Hedberg, ATL-JD-QC-0001, EDMS no. 884683, (Document page)

"Measurement of deformation of the JD Installation frame during loadtesting"
V. Hedberg, ATL-JD-TN-0001, EDMS no. 886336, (Document page)

"Installation of the forward shielding"
V. Hedberg, ATL-JF-IP-0001, EDMS no. 887180, (Document page)

"Installation Work Package for the LUCID detector"
V. Hedberg, ATL-UL-EW-0001, EDMS no. 925083, (Document page)

"Status of the shielding project at the end of 2008"
V. Hedberg, ATL-J-EN-0008 , EDMS no. 981856, (Document page)


ATLAS Overview weeks

"Activation and Access" - talk at the ATLAS integration meeting at the ATLAS overview week in BNL (03.06.2001) (transp. in pdf)
"The Shielding project - Review and Status" - plenary talk at the ATLAS overview week at BNL (07.06.2001) (transp. in pdf)
"Shielding design and activation studies" - plenary talk at the ATLAS overview week in Clermond-Ferrand (27.06.2002) (tranps. in pdf)
"The Shielding Project" - plenary talk at the ATLAS overview week in Prague (18.09.2003) (tranps. in pdf)
"Shielding, radiation and beampipe" - plenary talk at the ATLAS overview week in Freiburg (07.10.2004) (tranps. in pdf) (video)
"The status of LUCID" - plenary talk at the ATLAS overview week at CERN (20.02.2007) (transp. in pdf) (Video)
"Installation of the forward shielding and LUCID" - plenary talk at the ATLAS week (07.04.2008) (tranps. in pdf) (Video)
"Status of forward detectors" - plenary talk at the ATLAS overview week in Barcelona (05.10.2009) (tranps. in pdf) (video)

ATLAS Executive Board

"Proposed modifications of the toroid shield" - talk at the ATLAS executive board (15.06.2001) (transp. in pdf)
"Activation studies - latest results" - talk at the ATLAS executive board (07.09.2001) (transp. in pdf)
"Activation and radiation background" - talk at the ATLAS executive board (18.01.2002) (transp. in pdf)
"Preliminary milestones for LUCID. Construction & Installation." - talk at the ATLAS executive board (18.03.2005) (transp. in pdf)
"Status of LUCID" - talk at the ATLAS executive board (03.02.2006) (transp. in pdf)
"Updates on the LUCID signal detection efficiency" - talk at the ATLAS executive board (07.04.2006) (transp. in pdf)

ATLAS Technical Management Board

"Activation - Status and plan" - talk at the ATLAS technical management board (19.04.2001) (transp. in pdf)
"A new proposal for the toroid shield" - talk at the ATLAS technical management board (14.06.2001) (transp. in pdf)
"Activation studies - An update" - talk at the ATLAS technical management board (06.09.2001) (transp. in pdf)
"The shielding project" - talk at the ATLAS technical management board (15.11.2001) (transp. in pdf)
"Open issues in shielding" - talk at the ATLAS technical management board (13.12.2001) (transp. in pdf)
"Status of activation studies" - talk at the ATLAS technical management board (02.05.2002) (tranps. in pdf)
"Procurement and installation of the forward shielding" - talk at the ATLAS technical management board (26.09.2002) (tranps. in pdf)
"Radiation in the US15 and USA15" - talk at the ATLAS technical management board (06.02.2003) (tranps. in pdf)
"Radiation in the US15 and USA15 - An update" - talk at the ATLAS technical management board (06.03.2003) (tranps. in pdf)
"LUCID: Installation and Integration" - talk at the ATLAS technical management board (10.06.2004) (tranps. in pdf)
"Status of the shielding project" - talk at the ATLAS technical management board (17.03.2005) (tranps. in pdf)
"News from the shielding project" - talk at the ATLAS technical management board (14.07.2005) (tranps. in pdf)
"Shielding Project Status" - talk at the ATLAS technical management board (03.05.2007) (tranps. in pdf)
"The transport and installation of the JD/SW" - talk at the ATLAS technical management board (31.01.2008) (tranps. in pdf)

ATLAS Radiation Taskforce Meetings

"Activation studies" - talk at the ATLAS radiation task force meeting (07.08.2001) (transp. in pdf)
"News about activation" - talk at the ATLAS radiation task force meeting (17.10.2001) (transp. in pdf)
"Activation news from MEPhI" - talk at the ATLAS radiation task force meeting in Barcelona (28.01.2002) (transp. in pdf)
"A new design of the JF" - talk at the ATLAS radiation task force meeting (17.10.2001) (transp. in pdf)

ATLAS Shielding Meetings

"The new JF and the magnetic field" - talk at the ATLAS HF truck meeting (23.10.2001) (transp. in pdf)
"Activation and background considerations in the design of the JD" - talk at the ATLAS JD final design review (06.11.2001) (transp. in pdf)
"The new conceptual design of the JF shield" - talk at the ATLAS JD final design review (06.11.2001) (transp. in pdf)
"Optimization of the JM shield" - talk at the ATLAS forward shielding review in Prague (03.02.2002) (transp. in pdf)
"The JF and the background in the muon spectrometer" - talk at the ATLAS forward shielding review in Prague (03.02.2002) (transp. in pdf)
"Activation and its implications" - talk at the ATLAS forward shielding review in Prague (04.02.2002) (transp. in pdf)
"Installation of the JD shielding and the SX1 building" - talk at the ATLAS JD shielding meeting (27.05.2003) (transp. in pdf)
"Status of the JD project" - talk at the JD/SW review at CERN (10.05.2006) (transp. in pdf)
"The Forward Shielding" - talk at a shielding meeting at CERN (26.04.2007) (transp. in pdf)
"Overview of the installation procedure" - talk at the JD/SW review at CERN (08.10.2007) (transp. in pdf)
"The ring segments" - talk at the JD/SW review at CERN (08.10.2007) (transp. in pdf)
"Trench in SX1" - talk at the JD/SW review at CERN (08.10.2007) (transp. in pdf)
"Installation in UX15" - talk at the JD/SW review at CERN (08.10.2007) (transp. in pdf)
"Installation schedule for the JD/SW" - talk at the JD/SW scheduling meeting at CERN (16.11.2007) (transp. in pdf)

LHC Beampipe Meetings

"Activation around the beampipe in ATLAS" - talk at the LHC beampipe meeting (18.10.2001) (transp. in pdf)
"Activation news" - talk at the ATLAS beampipe working group meeting (30.01.2002) (transp. in pdf)
"Activation and the beampipe" - talk at the ATLAS beampipe meeting (20.02.2002) (transp. in pdf)
"Beampipe issues" - talk at the ATLAS beampipe meeting (17.04.2002) (transp. in pdf)
"Activation problem: Impact on beampipe design" - talk at the ATLAS beampipe review (25.04.2002) (tranps. in pdf)

ATLAS Super LHC Upgrade Meetings

"Radiation and activation at high luminosity" - talk at the meeting of the high luminosity LHC upgrade steering group (04.11.2004) (tranps. in pdf)
"The Super LHC" - talk at the Lund group planning meeting (08.04.2005) (transp. in pdf)
"Background in the muon spectrometer at high luminosity" - talk at the worshop on Muon system for LHC Luminosity Upgrade (25.11.2005) (transp. in pdf)
"Beampipe and Shielding for the ATLAS upgrade" - talk at the ATLAS upgrade workshop at CERN (01.10.2006) (transp. in pdf)
"Radiation in ATLAS" - talk at LHC luminosity upgrade interface meeting at CERN (08.03.2007) (transp. in pdf)

ATLAS Inner Detector Meetings

"Activation studies of the ID region" - talk at the ATLAS pixel support tube review (17.10.2001) (transp. in pdf)
"Activation in the ID region" - talk to the ATLAS Inner Detector Steering Group (20.03.2002) (transp. in pdf)
"Access and Installation Considerations" - talk at the ATLAS tracker upgrade workshop in Genova (18.07.2005) (tranps. in pdf)
"Activation studies of the pixel detector" - talk at the ATLAS B-layer task force meeting (04.03.2008) (tranps. in pdf)

Lund University presentations

"Induced radioactivity at the LHC" - talk at the physics department at Lund university (13.12.2001) (transp. in pdf)

Radioprotection meetings

"Induced radioactivity around the beampipe in the ATLAS experiment" - talk to the CERN radiation protection committee (13.05.2002) (tranps. in pdf)
"Induced radiation in the ATLAS experiment" - talk to the CERN Radiation Safety Officers Committee (11.12.2002) (tranps. in pdf)
"Induced radiation in ATLAS - an update" - talk to the CERN radiation protection committee (21.05.2003) (tranps. in pdf)
"Nuclear zoning of ATLAS" - talk at the INBEX meeting at CERN (16.03.2006) (transp. in pdf)

ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Meetings

"An argon spill in the cavern" - talk at the ATLAS liquid argon meeting (14.10.2003) (tranps. in pdf)

ATLAS Magnetic Field Working Group Meetings

"The forward shielding" - talk at the magnetic field meeting at CERN (22.01.2008) (transp. in pdf)

The LHC committee

"The ATLAS Shielding" - talk at the LHCC Review of the ATLAS Experiment Installation (11.04.2005) (transp. in pdf)
"Forward Detector Systems" - talk at the LHCC review at CERN (13.11.2006) (transp. in pdf)

LHC Experiment Machine DATA Exchange Working Group Meetings

"LUCID - The ATLAS Luminosity Monitor" - talk at the LHC Experiment Machine DATA Exchange Working Group (21.03.2005) (transp. in pdf)

Machine-Induced Background Working Group Meetings

"LHC Induced Background in ATLAS" - talk to the Machine-Induced Background Working Group (29.04.2005) (transp. in pdf)

Meetings of the Swedish Particle Physics Section

"Lund Activities in ATLAS" - talk at the Particle Days in Lund (14.05.2005) (transp. in pdf)
"Lund Activities in ATLAS" - talk at the Particle Days in Goteborg (21.09.2007) (transp. in pdf)

LUCID Meetings

"LUCID and the Engineering Change Request" - talk at the ATLAS LUCID meeting (26.07.2005) (transp. in pdf)
"LUCID Testbeam" - talk at the LUCID meeting at CERN (01.09.2006) (transp. in pdf)
"Proposal for a Phase 1 detector" - talk at the LUCID meeting at CERN (28.11.2006) (transp. in pdf)
"LUCID: Installation and Integration." - talk at the LUCID review at CERN (29.01.2007) (transp. in pdf)
"LUCID upgrade" - talk at the LUCID meeting at CERN (08.10.2008) (transp. in pdf)
"Interpretation of LUCID testbeam data" - talk at the LUCID meeting at CERN (05.11.2008) (transp. in pdf)
"Status of the LUCID Monte Carlo" - talk at the LUCID meeting at CERN (17.03.2009) (transp. in pdf)
"Efficiencies: LUMAT, LUCID and MBTS" - talk at the ATLAS LUCID meeting (03.02.2010) (transp. in pdf)
"How (not) to calculate LUCID efficiency" - talk at the ATLAS LUCID meeting (10.02.2010) (transp. in pdf)
"Proposal for LUCID performance paper" - talk to the ATLAS LUCID meeting (08.09.2010) (transp. in pdf)
"The LUCID performance paper" - talk to the ATLAS LUCID meeting (15.09.2010) (transp. in pdf)
"What needs to be done ?" - talk to the ATLAS LUCID meeting (18.01.2011) (transp. in pdf)
"Hit counting" - talk to the ATLAS LUCID meeting (25.01.2011) (transp. in pdf)
"Hit counting" - talk to the ATLAS LUCID meeting (02.02.2011) (transp. in pdf)
"Upgrade" - talk to the ATLAS LUCID meeting (15.02.2011) (transp. in pdf)

The ATLAS Forward Detector Management Board

"LUCID status and plans for 2011" - talk to the ATLAS Forward Detector Management Board (09.02.2011) (transp. in pdf)

ATLAS Luminosity Meetings

"Comparing efficiencies and zero counting for different detectors" - talk to the ATLAS Luminosity Measurement Taskforce (02.10.2009) (transp. in pdf)
"Event counting" - talk to the ATLAS Luminosity Measurement Taskforce (27.11.2009) (transp. in pdf)
"Report from the online luminosity taskforce" - talk to the ATLAS luminosity working group (03.12.2009) (transp. in pdf)
"LUCID efficiency from MBTS data" - talk to the ATLAS luminosity measurement taskforce (18.12.2009) (transp. in pdf)
"Two methods to calculate efficiency" - talk to the ATLAS luminosity measurement taskforce (08.01.2010) (transp. in pdf)
"Planning for the 2010 running" - talk to the ATLAS luminosity measurement taskforce (04.02.2010) (transp. in pdf)
"Status of Luminosity analyses and strategy for 2010 run" - talk at the ATLAS luminosity working group meeting (11.02.2010) (transp. in pdf)
"LUCID 7 TeV perfomance plots" - talk to the ATLAS luminosity measurement taskforce (03.06.2010) (transp. in pdf)
"Figures for the luminosity paper" - talk to the ATLAS luminosity measurement taskforce (02.09.2010) (transp. in pdf)
"Mu dependence in event counting" - talk to the ATLAS luminosity measurement taskforce (23.09.2010) (transp. in pdf)
"Hit counting with LUCID" - talk to the ATLAS luminosity measurement taskforce (03.02.2010) (transp. in pdf)

Talks to the General public

"Cern, Atlas and Shielding" - talk at the GOSA factory in Serbia (30.01.2003) (tranps. in pdf)
"CERN, LHC och ATLAS" - talk to Swedish CERN visitors (28.09.2007) (files)
"CERN, LHC och ATLAS" - talk to Swedish teachers visiting CERN (28.10.2008) (files)
"CERN, LHC och ATLAS" - talk to Swedish undergraduate students visiting CERN (05.12.2008) (files)
"CERN, LHC and ATLAS" - talk to Swedish undergraduate students in Lund (27.02.2009) (files)
"CERN, LHC och ATLAS" - talk to Swedish high school students visiting CERN (05.05.2009) (files)
"CERN, LHC och ATLAS" - talk to Swedish high school students visiting CERN (03.06.2009) (files)
"CERN, LHC and ATLAS" - talk to Swedish undergraduate students visiting CERN (04.12.2009) (files)
"CERN, LHC and ATLAS" - talk to Swedish undergraduate students visiting CERN (03.06.2010) (files)
"CERN, LHC and ATLAS" - Lecture in english to a Rotary club in Warrnambool Australia (28.07.2010) (files)
"CERN, LHC and ATLAS" - talk to Swedish undergraduate students visiting CERN (03.12.2010) (files)


Responsible for the content of this page is Vincent Hedberg

Last update: 7 December 2009