The STIC Detector

The Small angle TIle Calorimeter (STIC) provided calorimetric coverage in the very forward region of the DELPHI experiment at the LEP collider. The major task of the calorimeter was to provide high precision luminosity measurement by measuring with permill accuracy the Bhabha cross section.

The STIC was made up by two cylindrical detectors placed on either side of the DELPHI interaction region and mounted around the beam pipe. The detectors were 84 cm in diameter and 90 cm long. A tungsten shield in front of the calorimeter provided a very sharp shadow which was used to define with high precision the acceptance for Bhabha electrons. The internal mechanical precision of the detector had in addition to be better than 50 microns.

The detector was a sampling lead-scintillator calorimeter where the blue light produced by the electromagnetic shower in the scintillator was carried to the photodetectors at the back of the calorimeter by means of plastic fibers doped with green wave length shifter. The fibers collected the light over the whole depth of the calorimeter and were uniformly distributed over the calorimeter cross section. In front of the calorimeters a set of scintillation counters, called the veto counters, were used to separate electrons from photons. Inside the calorimeters were two layers of Si strip detectors which were used to measure the direction of the showers.

19,000 scintillator pieces with 490 different shapes were produced in IHEP-Protvino for the detectors. They were individually machined from injection molded scintillator plates with a very high precision. 800,000 holes had to be drilled and punched in the scintillators and absorbers to let the 8,000 fibers through. Because of the high mechanical precision which was needed, all work was done in a temperature controlled enviroment (21+-0.5 degrees).

The STIC project was a collaboration between 13 institutes from Italy, Russia, Norway, Sweden, Portugal and CERN. A total of ca. 60 people was involved in the project. The detector was installed in DELPHI in 1994 and I was the STIC project leader during 1996-2001.

One of the two STIC calorimeters is being tested before installation.

One of the 16 amplifier cards used to amplify the signals from the Si Strip detectors. These cards sits on a ring-shaped printed circuit board together with two so-called master-cards which are used for the final 8 to 1 multiplexing of the Si strip signals from the amplifier cards before they are sent to the Sirocco Flash ADCs in the countingroom.

The inside of one calorimeter module (a calorimeter consists of two such modules). The sandwich structure of the detector is clearly seen as well as the bundles of wavelength shifting fibers going to the phototetrodes.

One half-layer of scintillators. The complete detectors consists of 47 lead-scintillator layers and two Al-Si strip layers.

One of the two STIC calorimeters after it has been installed around the beampipe in one of the end-caps of DELPHI. The white cables in the lower right corner are fiberbundles for the Vetocounter.

Front-view of a STIC calorimeter. In the center of the calorimeter is the hole for the beampipe. Around the hole is a ring of electronics for the LED system and around the outer edge is a ring of electronics for the Si Strip shower maximum detector.

A side-view of STIC showing the kapton cables which takes the Si Strip signals out of the calorimeter and two MX4 fan-in cards used for the first 120 to 1 multiplexing and for charge amplification.

A close-up of the wavelength shifting fibers and the fiberholders which are attached to tetrodes in the finished detector.

A close up of a scintillator layer showing the tower structure. Each calorimeter has 160 projective towers. There are several holes for the fibers in each scintillator tower tile and in addition two holes used to attach the tile with a very high precision to the lead plate.

The large veto scintillator before installation.

Close-up of the front showing the details of the LED and Si Strip electronics.

One of the two Silicon Strip detector layers showing the inner ring of Si Strip detectors. A complete layer has also an outer ring.

One of the Hamamatsu R2149 tetrodes used to read out the light together with its preamplifier.

The small veto scintillator that was attached to the beampipe.

Responsible for the content of this page is Vincent Hedberg