The PIXE Experiment

I did my master´s thesis work at the Nuclear Physics Department at the Lund Institute of Technology. I constructed an instrument in the PIXE (Proton Induced X-ray Emission) group that could measure the mass of very small deposits of airborne particles (aerosols) on filters by using low energetic beta-radiation. The PIXE group used protons with a few MeV from a tandem Van Der Graaf accelerator to hit a sample. The protons caused electrons within the atoms of the target to be excited from core shells. The X-rays emitted when electrons fall back into the core hole could be used to identify each element within the sample.

Diploma Thesis:
Massmätning av aerosoler med beta-absorptionsteknik.
(Measurement of aerosol mass by beta-attenuation technique).
V. Hedberg. Examensarbete för civilingenjörseaxamen, University of Lund, LUTFD2/TFKF-5009/1-60/1983.

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