The PIXE Experiment
I did my master´s thesis work at the Nuclear Physics Department at the Lund
Institute of Technology. I constructed an instrument in the PIXE
(Proton Induced X-ray Emission) group that could measure the mass of very small
deposits of airborne particles (aerosols) on filters by using low energetic
beta-radiation. The PIXE group used protons with a few MeV from a tandem
Van Der Graaf accelerator to hit a sample. The protons caused electrons within
the atoms of the target to be excited from core shells.
The X-rays emitted when electrons fall back into the core hole could be used
to identify each element within the sample.
Responsible for the content of this page is
Vincent Hedberg
Diploma Thesis:
Massmätning av aerosoler med beta-absorptionsteknik.
(Measurement of aerosol mass by beta-attenuation technique).
V. Hedberg. Examensarbete för civilingenjörseaxamen, University of Lund,