The LUCID II detector
The second detector consists of 4 + 4 modified R760 photomultipliers that have a thin ring shaped layer
of aluminium deposited between the quartz window and the photocathode. The center hole of this ring has
a diameter of 7 mm which can be compared to the 10 mm diameter of the photocathode and the layer thus
reduces the acceptance of these photomultipliers with a factor of 2.
The third detector consists of 4 + 4 four meter long bundles of optical quartz fibers that run along the beampipe.
Exach bundle consists of 37 optical fibers each with a 0.8 mm quartz core. Charged particles passing through the fibers will produce Cherenkov light that is recorded by photomultipliers situated 1.2 m away from the beamline.
Assembly and installation of LUCID:
Photos ,
Video .
The LUCID II detectors surrounds the beampipe on both sides of the interaction point at a distance of 17 m.
The LUCID system consists of three different detectors. The first one consists of 12 + 12 Hamamatsu R760
photomulipliers located in four groups around the beampipe. The center of the photomultipliers is at a distance
of 125 mm from the beamline. Charged particles going through the radiation hard quartz window of the photomultipliers
can produce Cherenkov light that is detected by the photomultipliers.
The detector is used to measure luminosity, either by counting pulses above a threshold or by counting the
charge of the pulses by using new integrating electronics. The stability of the detector respons is monitored by
three different calibration systems. The first uses light from LEDs that is monitored by PIN diodes.
The second uses light from a laser system and the third uses Cherenkov light produced by weak Bi-207 sources.
The Bi-207 sources give out monoenergetic electrons from internal conversion that have an energy above the cherenkov threshold in quartz.
"Particle counting using the LUCID detector"
- M. Bruschi et al., ATLAS Internal Note ATL-COM-LUM-2013-01, 2013-07-14.
(note in pdf)
"Safety manual for the use of Bi-207 sources in the LUCID detector in the ATLAS cavern."
- V. Hedberg et al., ATLAS EDMS Note ATC-TY-EY-0517, 2014-09-26.
(note in pdf)
"Plots from a commissioning run in May of 2015"
- V. Hedberg et al., ATLAS Internal Note ATL-COM-FWD-2015-009, 2015-05-26.
(note in pdf)
"Plots from physics runs in May and June of 2015"
- V. Hedberg et al., ATLAS Internal Note ATL-COM-FWD-2015-012, 2015-07-09.
(note in pdf)
"Measurement of the luminosity with the new LUCID-2 detector in 2015"
- V. Hedberg et al., ATLAS Internal Note ATL-COM-FWD-2016-008, 2016-05-20.
(note in pdf)
"Stability plots from all the 2015 data"
- V. Hedberg et al., ATLAS Internal Note ATL-COM-DAPR-2016-005, 2016-05-26.
(note in pdf)
"Choice and characterization of photomultipliers for the new ATLAS LUCID detector"
- G.L. Alberghi et al., Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 11, May 2016.
(article in pdf)
"The LUCID detector upgrade"
- talk to the ATLAS weekly meeting (28.05.2013)
(transp. in pdf)
Responsible for the content of this page is
Vincent Hedberg
"The new LUCID detector"
- talk to the ATLAS luminosity taskforce (24.04.2014)
(transp. in pdf)
"Status of the new LUCID detector"
- talk to the ATLAS weekly meeting (11.11.2014)
(transp. in pdf)
"The LUCID luminometer"
- talk to a CMS upgrade meeting (09.05.2016)
(transp. in pdf)
"Snapshots from the Long Shutdown"
- the CERN Courrier (02.06.2015)
Last update:
25 May 2015