The LUCID detector
Installation of LUCID:
The CERN bulletin ,
ATLAS enews ,
Photos ,
Video .
The LUCID detector surrounds the beampipe on both sides of the interaction point at a distance of 17 m.
Each LUCID vessel contains 20 Cherenkov detectors (1.5 m long) consisting of aluminium tubes with
15 mm diameter pointing towards the interaction region.
The gas in the detector is C4F10 at 1.1-1.5 bar pressure. The Cherenkov light is collected in 16 of the tubes at
the back by 15 mm diameter photomultipliers. These photomultipliers have quartz windows to
make them more radiation hard than normal photomultipliers. In 4 of the tubes the light is collected
by a cone and then transmitted by optical quartz fibres to the outside
of the Forward Shielding. Quartz fibres are used since they are more radiation-hard than plastic fibres.
The same type of multi-anode photomultipliers that are used for ALFA will also be used to
read-out the light from the fibers in LUCID and it has been decided to use the same type of
front-end electronics to read-out LUCID as what the Lund group has already developed for ALFA.
"LUCID: Installation and Integration" - talk at the ATLAS technical management board (10.06.2004)
(tranps. in pdf)
Responsible for the content of this page is
Vincent Hedberg
"Preliminary milestones for LUCID. Construction & Installation." - talk at the ATLAS executive board (18.03.2005)
(transp. in pdf)
"LUCID - The ATLAS Luminosity Monitor"
- talk at the LHC Experiment Machine DATA Exchange Working Group (21.03.2005)
(transp. in pdf)
"Lund Activities in ATLAS" - talk at the Particle Days in Lund (14.05.2005)
(transp. in pdf)
"LUCID and the Engineering Change Request"
- talk at the ATLAS LUCID meeting (26.07.2005)
(transp. in pdf)
"Status of LUCID" - talk at the ATLAS executive board (03.02.2006)
(transp. in pdf)
"Updates on the LUCID signal detection efficiency" - talk at the ATLAS executive board (07.04.2006)
(transp. in pdf)
"LUCID Testbeam" - talk at the LUCID meeting at CERN (01.09.2006)
(transp. in pdf)
"Forward Detector Systems" - talk at the LHCC review at CERN (13.11.2006)
(transp. in pdf)
"Proposal for a Phase 1 detector" - talk at the LUCID meeting at CERN (28.11.2006)
(transp. in pdf)
"LUCID: Installation and Integration." - talk at the LUCID review at CERN (29.01.2007)
(transp. in pdf)
"The status of LUCID" - plenary talk at the ATLAS overview week at CERN (20.02.2007)
(transp. in pdf)
"Lund Activities in ATLAS" - talk at the Particle Days in Goteborg (21.09.2007)
(transp. in pdf)
"Installation of the forward shielding and LUCID" - plenary talk at the ATLAS week (07.04.2008)
(tranps. in pdf)
"LUCID upgrade" - talk at the LUCID meeting at CERN (08.10.2008)
(transp. in pdf)
"Interpretation of LUCID testbeam data" - talk at the LUCID meeting at CERN (05.11.2008)
(transp. in pdf)
"Status of the LUCID Monte Carlo" - talk at the LUCID meeting at CERN (17.03.2009)
(transp. in pdf)
"Status of forward detectors" - talk at the ATLAS overview week in Barcelona (05.10.2009)
(tranps. in pdf)
"Proposal for LUCID performance paper"
- talk to the ATLAS LUCID meeting (08.09.2010)
(transp. in pdf)
"The LUCID performance paper"
- talk to the ATLAS LUCID meeting (15.09.2010)
(transp. in pdf)
"What needs to be done ?"
- talk to the ATLAS LUCID meeting (18.01.2011)
(transp. in pdf)
"Hit counting"
- talk to the ATLAS LUCID meeting (25.01.2011)
(transp. in pdf)
"Hit counting"
- talk to the ATLAS LUCID meeting (02.02.2011)
(transp. in pdf)
"Hit counting with LUCID"
- talk to the ATLAS luminosity measurement taskforce (03.02.2010)
(transp. in pdf)
"LUCID status and plans for 2011"
- talk to the ATLAS Forward Detector Management Board (09.02.2011)
(transp. in pdf)
- talk to the ATLAS LUCID meeting (15.02.2011)
(transp. in pdf)
Last update:
20 March 2009